Los primeros filósofos Griegos desarrollaban sus teorías empleando aspectos míticos y luego con el paso del tiempo, surgió otra manera de entender el mundo. Y fue entonces que los filósofos se concentraron más en la razón y no tanto así en el Mito.
Step-by-step explanation:
The first Greek philosophers developed their theories using mythical aspects and then, it came up another way of understanding the world. And it was then, that philosophers focused more on reason and not so much on Myth.
Tales was one of the first philosophers of that time and he was considered a genius. He was famous for his job. He said that water was the origin of life and he also said that water has some divine qualities.
To conclude, the first philosophers believed in God and they also believed in magic things. Later, philosophers decided to find another explanation to the origin of humanity and the origin of the world. That's why "the reason" became an important aspect to establish theories about the origin of life, the origin of the world, or the origin of humanity.