The volume of a rectangular shape is
V = (length) x (width) x (height) .
If he filled it to the tippy brim, then the volume of the water
was exactly the same as the volume of the acquarium ...
(1.5") x (8") x (10") cubic inches.
If the level of the water drops 1.5 inches, then the length
and width of the water are still the same, but now it's only
8.5 inches deep. So now the volume is
(1.5") x (8") x (8.5") cubic inches.
I'm sure you can work that out.
Hey ! Here's another interesting thing to think about:
How much water was lost (evaporated or leaked) overnight ?
How much will he need to bring from the kitchen to fill it up ?
The water that was lost was the little slab on top that's
not there in the morning. The length and width are the
same as the acquarium, and the height of the part that's
gone is 1.5 inches ... the amount that the level dropped.
So the amount he needs to refill it to the tippy brim is
(1.5") x (8") x (1.5") cubic inches.
I must say ... I hope he has some very small fish in that
tank. It's only 1.5 inches long !