ballad - a narrative poem made up of quatrains, or four-line stanzas, where alternate lines rhyme
elegy - a lyric poem that has a sad tone and is used to express sorrow over someone's death
ode - a lyric poem that uses lofty language, a formal tone, and often contains an apostrophe
sonnet - a lyric poem that contains 14 lines and a fixed pattern of rhyme
Step-by-step explanation:
A ballad is a type of narrative poem, meaning it tells a story. It is usually divided into quatrains, that is, into stanzas of four lines. In the past, ballads were typically accompanied by music.
An elegy is a sad lyric poem lamenting the death of someone.
An ode is a poem that praises someone or something in an elevated manner. Just like ballads, odes used to be accompanied by music.
Finally, a sonnet is a type of poem that contains 14 lines. There are different kinds of sonnets as well, such as Italian and Shakespearean sonnets.