The correct answer to which lines in this excerpt of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "The Song of Hiawatha" use four sets of trochee is C) All four lines.
In fact, "The Song of Hiawatha" is a perfect example of trochaic tetrameter. This concept refers to a line with four trochaic feet: a stressed or long syllable followed by an unstressed or short syllable. Actually, providing that English poetic tradition is mostly iambic instead of trochaic, it makes trochaic meter sound weird.
In the mentioned excerpt, if we highlight the stressed syllables to show the trochaic tetrameter, this would be the result:
YE who LOVE the HAUNTS of NAture
LOVE the SUNshine OF the MEAdow
LOVE the SHAdow OF the FOrest
LOVE the WIND aMONG the BRANches.