The Medieval Church lost Authority and some of the reasons were;
• Disagreements concerning the proper leaders of church
• The church conspiring to help spread the black death
• The idea that the bible was the source of all truth
Step-by-step explanation
During the periods of 1100 and 1300, the church was the main social and cultural force with the pope possessing extreme powers .Conflicts over power was the first factor that facilitated the decline in authority of the church. Monarchs who were against the pope refused to cooperate with the church (Philip the Fair). Corruption that was observed in the clergy caused disagreements on proper leaders of the church. Materialism in church resulted to distraction in the church that confused religion ways. New churches were formed because believers needed the religions yet the leaders were dissatisfying. With the idea that the bible was the whole truth, individuals started their own interpretations forming different churches. During the time of Black Plague, calamities happened to force people to remember God and repent for forgiveness.Negatively, The Black Death caused people to question the values in observing religious ways and in prayers all this causing a distraction in the Church.