orporate families were replaced by male breadwinner families in the early twentieth century. Male breadwinner families are defined as those in which the husband works for wages or salary and the wife has no occupation listed in the census. By 1920, the number of male-breadwinner families exceeded the number of corporate families, and this percentage continued to grow until World War II. This change was driven by expanding wage labor opportunities for men. The male breadwinner category represented a majority of marriages for just four decades—from 1920 to 1960—reaching a peak of 57 % in 1940.
Male breadwinner families were replaced by dual-earner families in the mid-twentieth century. In the early decades of the twentieth century, the number of married women working for wages began to increase, and the pace of change accelerated in the middle decades of the century. Dual-earner families have now predominated for almost a half-century.