Key Lesson Vocabulary: Subatomic particle Proton Neutron Electron Valence electron Atom Electron cloud nucleus Frame the Lesson Objective: We will determine the relationship between subatomic particles, their masses, & their charges Closing Product: I Willcomplete a variety of activities to determine the relationships between masses, electrical charges, and names of the atoms. Engaging Activity for the start of the Class:Warm up from STAAR coach to get the students thinking. Lesson Activities and Teaching Points *Reflections and Conclusions: students will fill in the student journal page p. 6. *Progress Monitor Assessment *stemscopedia journal writing *Vocabulary/picture vocabulary game *Science rocks Resources Needed: Student journal page for reflections and conclusions. Frequent Small Group Purposeful Talk About the Learning Intentional Questions: What fallacies exist in the idea that additional mass of an element comes from the electrons or added protons? Recognize and Reinforce Reminders (Look for, Say, Do) Review the subatomic particles and the atom patterns. Discuss the masses and the electrical charges, reinforce location of subatomic particle in relation to other particles. Work in the Power Zone % of time spent in the power zone in the lesson: __80____% Grouping Arrangements Used: group work, rows and columns, and partner work. Write Critically Prompt:What fallacies exist in the idea that additional mass of an element comes from the electrons or added protons?