Complete Hugo’s descriptions of his family with the appropriate forms of the words below (meaning if it’s masculine, keep it the same; if it’s feminine make sure to make the word feminine *** Make sure to make it plural if needed). Each word will be used only once.
atlético tímido rizado extrovertido bajo rubio
a. Yo no tengo el pelo liso. Tengo el pelo ________________
b. Silvia, mi hermana, es ______________. Mide 1 metro 53 (5 pies).
c. Mis primas, Lila y Nora, son introvertidas y ___________________.
d. Mis padres corren mucho. Son muy ___________________.
e. Mi tía Berta no es canosa. Es ________________.
3. Go to page 11 in your red book. Complete part 10 here in google classroom. Write two sentences each to describe Maribel’s mother, father and younger brother.
a. Maribel’s mother:
b. Maribel’s father:
c. Maribel’s younger brother: