Pygmalion is a drama written by G. B. Shaw. The story revolves around three characters who are the main characters in the play also namely, professor Higgins(a phonetician), Colonel Pickering(a fellow phonetics professor), and Eliza Doolittle(a flower girl). Higgins takes Liza to his house and changes her into duchess from flower girl by transforming her phonetics.
Step-by-step explanation:
Higgins is rude but Colonel Pickering is gentleman. Higgins bully and nag Liza but Pickering treats her with respect and dignity. In Act V, we see the evidence in the dialogues of Liza to Higgins,
"I shall always be a flower girl to Professor Higgins, because he always treats me as a flower girl, and always will; but I know I can be a lady to you, because you always treat me as a lady, and always will."