Translation to other answer:
US President Woodrow Wilson presented on January 18, 1918, a possible peace agreement to avoid further conflict and not to humiliate or punish severely the Alliance countries. Thus President Wilson introduced a treaty that became known as "Wilson's 14 Points," which are:
1) To inaugurate pacts of peace, after which there should be no secret diplomatic agreements, but open diplomacy and under public eyes;
2) Absolute freedom of navigation in the seas and waters outside the national territory, both in peace and in war, except for seas closed completely or in part by international action in fulfillment of international pacts;
(3) Abolition, as far as possible, of all economic barriers between countries and the establishment of equal conditions of trade between all nations that consent to peace and multilateral association;
4) Adequate guarantees for the reduction of national armaments to the lowest level necessary to ensure national security;
(5) A free, open and absolutely impartial adjustment of colonialist policy, based on the strict observation of the principle that the sovereignty of the interests of the colonized populations should bear the same weight as the comparable demands of the colonizing nations;
6) Withdrawal of the Armies of Russian territory and solution of all questions involving Russia, in order to ensure better cooperation with other nations of the world. The treatment of Russia by its sister nations will be the test of its good will, of the understanding of its needs as distinct from its own interests and of its intelligent and altruistic sympathy;
7) Belgium, the whole world will agree, needs to be restored, without any attempt to limit its sovereignty to which it has the right as other free nations;
8- All French territory must be liberated and the invaded parts restored. The wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 on the question of Alsace and Lorraine must be undone so that peace can be assured once again in the interest of all;
9) Readjustment of Italian borders, respecting the recognized lines of nationality;
10) Recognition of the right to autonomous development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among nations we want to see ensured and safeguarded;
11) Removal of foreign troops from Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, restoration of invaded territories the right of access to the market for Serbia;
12) Recognition of the autonomy of Turkey within the Ottoman Empire and permanent opening of the Dardanelles Strait as a free passage to ships and trade of all nations under international guarantees;
13) Independence of Poland, including territories inhabited by the Polish population, must contain safe and free access to the sea;
14) Creation of a general association under specific pacts for the purpose of providing mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity of large and small States.
But this treaty was rejected because they accused of being very light in the punishments against the countries of the Alliance. The president is still negotiating with the other winning countries on a possible reformulation.
President Woodrow Wilson presented a treatise, "Wilson's 14 Points," which would be a possible peace agreement but with some punishments to Alliance countries. Among them they emphasize the reduction of the armies to a minimum number that guarantees the national security, greatly undermining Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire that must reduce their armies; the withdrawal of armies from the territories of the countries belonging to the Entente and other territories conquered as in Russia and France and still recognition of some countries as Turkey and Poland.
The Entente newspapers classify this treaty as very light on the punishments of the Alliance countries. As if it were not enough to lose the war, we will still have to go through humiliations and deliver some of our achievements. Because they think the treaty has light punishments, they have turned it down, promising a reformulation in order to increase the punishment of our countries.