The fraction of people who speaks Navajo in USA is 0.000547 that is equal to 0.0547% of global population.
Calculate the number of people who speak Navajo per inhabitant living in the United States like this:
169000 navajo speakers / 308700000 inhabitants in the united states
The above is equal to the reason 169:308700, that is, 169 people speak Navajo in the United States for every 308700 inhabitants, a division that is also the same as saying that 0.000547 people speak Navajo for every inhabitant living in the United States.
To convert the previous quotient into a percentage, it must be multiplied by 100. In this way 0.000547x100 , it is equal to 0.0547%, a value that represents the percentage of inhabitants of the United States who speak Navajo.