Well if you're talking about me having deep desires, I want to be successful and make good grades and sell art to get that $$$
It's not just about selling art for money, it's doing what I love.
I want to glow up so bad omg
I'm too embarrassed to share the rest of my ~deep~ desires LOL
I want to be ~loved~ :(
Seeing all these people on Valentines Day got me acting up
The plushies and the chocolates and the balloons.
I will never ever have a good Valentines day but that's okay I guess.
I remember I had to go to ISS (In School Suspension) at a high school (when I was in 5th grade aka elementary school), (long story), and it was on Valentines day. I didn't even belong there. Everybody had balloons and they were kissing each other while I was sitting in the guidelines. I was eating on the floor at lunch time (we had to eat outside like dogs) and the high schoolers would always stare at me like I was a freak. Imagine this. I'm sitting against a brick wall eating my slop outside, and the high schoolers are sitting at a table outside. there were a lot of tables outside. There were A LOT of students outside. Imagine them all staring you down and laughing. It is so embarrassing I tell you.
I went home to talk to my mom on the phone about how miserable I was at the high school, but she was busy because she was at a restaurant and she had to go. I felt alone and sad on that day and it still effects me.
Anyways, back to my deepest desires, I may have desires, but I will probably never make them come true lol
Thanks for whoever read this far