First of all, what is the definition of an epic hero? What makes an epic hero?
In homer's point of view, an epic hero must have/be these characteristics:
- Undying bravery
- A supernatural power or talent
- A noble birth
- A warrior
- Humility
- Worldly (Travels great distances to complete great deeds and missions)
Now comparing these traits to Ulysses, we come up with this:
- Undying bravery
He faces many challenges and yet, survives and conquers
- A supernatural power or talent:
He is a mighty warrior
- A noble birth
He is the son of a descendant of Hermes (his mother) and King of the Cephallenians (his father)
- A warrior
He proves himself to be a mighty warrior by surviving all the challenges presented to him on his long quest.
- Humility
He is not arrogant and performs justice by executing the men and women who worked against him
- Worldly
He travels far and wide to finish his quest and return home safely.