The answer will be C.MOST LIKELY WILL WIN because we know that the side has total 6 sides: 1 yellow and 5 green, so we know that green sides dominated mostly on the game. P(rolling green sides):5/6, and there is a lot of chances that she will win. A is not the right answer because shr certainly will win the game, but what about she roll and get the yellow, it will not certainly. Furthermore, she will mostly win the game. OKAY, LET ME EXPLAIN IT RIGHT NOW FOR YOU TO SEE. ACCORDING TO THE TEXT, IT SAID THAT THE CUBE HAD TOTAL 6 SIDES- 1 YELLOW SIDE AND 5 GREEN SIDES. NOW, WE KNOW THAT THE PROBABILITY OF WINNING A GAME IS 5/6 WHICH EQUAL TO 83.333333%, SO THAT SHE MOSTLY WIN THE GAME. I DON NOT CHOOSE A BECAUSE OF THE WORD CERTAINLY WHICH MEANS THAT SHE ALWAYS WON THE GAMES WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE, BECAUSE SHE SOMETIMES WONS AND LOSE. DO YOU GET IT, DO YOU?Hope it help!