The answer is: Country X exported the cheese to country B at a price of $ 2 per ounce.
Unfair business practices are defined as any business practice or act that is misleading, fraudulent or that causes harm to a consumer. These practices may include acts that are considered illegal, such as those that violate a consumer protection law. Some examples of unfair trade methods are: the false representation of a good or service; fake gifts or prize offers; breach of manufacturing standards; False advertising; or misleading prices.
In this case, if country X sells the cheese to country B for $ 2, when its production is $ 3, it is making a misleading sale, because if it is true, country X is losing $ 1 per ounce with the sale, and if it is false it is a misleading price. As for the other two, which are sold at $ 4 in country C and $ 4.5 in D, it is understood from the point of view that something must be gained from its production if they want to make a profit, and that country D costs something more expensive, I would have explanation by not having trade agreements with that country.
The answer is: Country X exported the cheese to country B at a price of $ 2 per ounce.