The answer is: Odysseus disguised as a beggar arrives at the palace, Penelope thinks she can be her husband, and proposes a contest, thanks to the contest, Odysseus, helped by Telemachus and a few faithful servants kill until the last suitor.
Prince Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, desperately wants to throw the suitors, but does not have the confidence or experience to fight them.
Soon Odysseus meets Telemachus, who has returned from Pylos and Sparta despite the ambush of the suitors, and reveals his true identity. Odysseus and Telemachus devise a plan to slaughter the suitors and regain control of Ithaca.
When Odysseus arrives at the palace the next day, still disguised as a beggar, he endures the abuse and insults of the suitors.
Penelope is interested in this strange beggar, suspecting that it could be her long-lost husband. Pretty cunning, Penelope organizes an archery competition the next day and promises to marry any man who can skewer the great arch of Odysseus and shoot an arrow through a row of twelve axes, a feat that only Odysseus has ever accomplished. .
In the contest, each suitor tries to skewer the bow and fails. Odysseus approaches the bow and, with little effort, shoots an arrow through the twelve axes. Then turn the arc to the suitors. He and Telemachus, assisted by a few faithful servants, kill every last suitor.
The answer is: Odysseus disguised as a beggar arrives at the palace, Penelope thinks she can be her husband, and proposes a contest, thanks to the contest, Odysseus, helped by Telemachus and a few faithful servants kill until the last suitor.