Let's solve step by step
Step 1: First you need to know that quotient is the answer to a division problem.
Now that we know that we can just divide 26,234 by 42.
Step 1: Divide
You can Divide 26,234 by 42 using a calculator
once you typed in 26,234/42 than should equal 624.619047619
Step 3: Round (this step is optional)
To make the answer more clear we can round 624.619047619 to the hundreds place.
624.619047619 is rounded to 624.62
Therefore your answer is 624.619047619 or rounded to 624.62. (either answer will be correct)
Hope this helps! - Alyssa
(P.S It would mean a lot to me if you marked my answer as Brianliest answer, I am trying to get a higher ranking, Thanks) :)