Hi, For self concept best ways would include
1: DON'T Compare yourself to others!
This a big no no since technically it's setting unreal expectations. We all are made different so why compare yourself to someone else? For example, you have 500 followers on Instagram and a friend of yours has 1000. There's a reasoning behind everything and you don't know as much as you think you do about one's social life.
2: Be open to changing or improving your Self Image
Don't try to go back into time and make yourself feel bad for the present you. Example of this would be "I was so flexible in high school, and now I can't even squat". Your current strengths and weaknesses aren't going to match your previous ones. As one becomes older you either become better or worse at something and it's all apart of growing up.
3: Exploring Your Inner Self
Be open to new ideas and goals. Don't have an answer for things you haven't even tried or ideas you havent explored. Find out what you like and don't like by taking risks and exploring new things!
4: Stop Trying to Be Perfect
It's nice to want things a certain way and glorify things that are close to meaningless. But it's best to take a look at things different and replace perfection with growth and accomplishment. You will never be perfect, no one is perfect you can try but it isnt possible. Everyone makes mistakes and they happen so we know not to revisit that outcome again and know the right way things must be done. Mistakes are placed for learning and growth, how can you possible learn if it always comes out right?
5: Create Realistic/Possible Goals & Expectations
Please don't harm yourself by creating visions and premenitions that aren't theoretically possible! Like Wanting to be a millionaire by age 20. This could by faith happen if you was to play the lottery but it still isnt a realistic goal. Goals are someting you can actually reach and achieve and work up to. Since the lottery isn't up to you and its more of a win you win lose you lose kind of thing it isn't a goal. Also sometimes the expectations can be small but still unrealistic. Now example of this would be " I'm 18 I wish my mom would stop worrying about me". Yes you're 18 at that age everyone feels all elders should back off but as parents they dont care anything about your age but your well being. They will always be concerned about how you are doing and where you are at etc.
6: If All Else Fails create a Self Esteem Worksheet
This worksheet is easy to create. Grab a piece a paper and draw a line down the middle of it to make two halves. Now at the top of either side write Strengths and make the other side say weaknesses. Usually the list goes up to 10 for each strength and weaknesses. With now knowing what you are good at and weakened at you can try to change or work on these weaknesses and set a goal for yourself. For example if your weak in math you can create a goal to bring your D up to a C by next semester.
Now for self esteem..these are more smaller tasks but one could benefit from alot who suffers from low self esteem.
1 Positive Speaking upon one self
Saying that you are smart, you're pretty, you're fearless. Encouraging words for the day!
2 Don't compare yourself to other people!
3 Exercise! This clears the mind and frees away toxins and negativity.
4 Don't look for perfection!
5 Dont frut about mistakes! They help growth and self prospering.
6 Get excited about the small stuff.
7 Try not to let anyone take away your happiness, after all it is your happiness
8 Stay open minded to things you can change and find a way on how to change them. Rather than thinking about them being there.
10 Do everything that you love and don't stop. If nothing else brightens your mood, doing something you love or are passionate about will definetly awaken your mood and self esteem.
Hope this helped if you need me to explain more or more help let me know. :)