Follows are the code to the given question:
import java.util.*;//import package for input
public class Main//defining a class Main
public static void main(String[] arp)//defining main method
double total=0,sub_Total=0;//defining double variable
int Units,product_Num;//defining integer variable
Scanner obq = new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object for input value
System.out.print("Product: ");//print message
product_Num=obq.nextInt();//input value
while(product_Num>=1 && product_Num<=5)//defining loop for input value
sub_Total=0;//assign value 0 in sub_Total
switch(product_Num)//use switch for check condition
case 1://for case 1
System.out.print("Enter No of units :");//print message
Units=obq.nextInt();//input value
sub_Total=Units*2.98;//calculating sub_Total value
total+=sub_Total;//add value in total variable
System.out.printf("Sub Total :$%.2f\\",sub_Total);//print value
break;//use break keyword
case 2://for case 2
System.out.print("Enter No of units :");//print message
Units=obq.nextInt();//input value
sub_Total=Units*4.50;//calculating sub_Total value
total+=sub_Total;//add value in total variable
System.out.printf("Sub Total :$%.2f\\",sub_Total);//print value
break;//use break keyword
case 3://for case 3
System.out.print("Enter No of units :");//print message
Units=obq.nextInt();//input value
sub_Total=Units*9.98;//calculating sub_Total value
total+=sub_Total;//add value in total variable
System.out.printf("Sub Total :$%.2f\\",sub_Total);//print value
break;//use break keyword
case 4://for case 4
System.out.print("Enter No of units :");//print message
Units=obq.nextInt();//input value
sub_Total=Units*4.49;//calculating sub_Total value
total+=sub_Total;//add value in total variable
System.out.printf("Sub Total :$%.2f\\",sub_Total);//print value
break;//use break keyword
case 5://for case 5
System.out.print("Enter No of units :");//print message
Units=obq.nextInt();//input value
sub_Total=Units*6.87;//calculating sub_Total value
total+=sub_Total;//add value in total variable
System.out.printf("Sub Total :$%.2f\\",sub_Total);//print value
break;//use break keyword
System.out.print("Product: ");//print message
product_Num=obq.nextInt();//input value
System.out.printf("\\Overtoal Total :$%.2f\\",total);//print total value
Product: 1
Enter No of units :1
Sub Total :$2.98
Product: 2
Enter No of units :2
Sub Total :$9.00
Product: 3
Enter No of units :3
Sub Total :$29.94
Product: 4
Enter No of units :4
Sub Total :$17.96
Product: 5
Enter No of units :5
Sub Total :$34.35
Product: -1
Overtoal Total :$94.23
Step-by-step explanation:
In this program, two double variables "total,sub_Total" and two integers "Units,product_Num" is used, in the next step, the scanner class is used for an input value, for this, a while loop is defined that uses the switch for input value and calculate its respective value, and use the print method to print its value.