To add/subtract fractions in 9-16, you need to first get a common denominator. (Same number on the bottom for both fractions you're adding.) To do this, multiply the denominators.
For example, in problem 9, your denominators are 2 and 4. Multiply these to get a common denominator of 8. Now, to keep the equation the same, you need to multiply each numerator by the same thing that you multiplied its denominator by, so multiply the 1 by the 4 and the 3 by the 2.
You should end up with 4/8+6/8. Since both these fractions have a denominator of 8, you can add them to get a result of 10/8. Reduce to get 5/4, or 1 1/4 if you need it as a mixed number.
Try repeating this process for problems 10 through 16, comment if you need more help.
For 17, it's the same process, just mixed in with words. You're given two times: 3/5 of an hour and 7/8 of an hour, and have to find the total time.
So, your problem becomes 3/5 + 7/8.
Use the same process as problems 9-16. You should get:
3/5+7/8=24/40+35/40=59/40. If you need this as a mixed number, it would be 1 19/40.