4 votes
Advances science 20th century

2 Answers

4 votes

1900: Max Planck discovers that atoms can emit energy only in discrete amounts or "quanta" and that the energy of light is proportional to the frequency
1900: Ferdinand von Zeppelin builds the first rigid dirigible
1900: Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams"

1901: Guglielmo Marconi conducts the first transatlantic radio transmission (for the first time humans can send sounds to any place on Earth without any wires)

1902: Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner
1902: Clarence McClung discovers the sex chromosomes
1903: Wilbur and Orville Wright fly the first airplane
1903: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's "The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices"
1903: Valdemar Poulsen invents an arc transmitter for radio broadcasts
1903: William Bayliss and Ernest Starling discover that hormones are chemical messengers
1904: John Fleming uses a diode to detect radio signals
1905: Albert Einstein publishes "The Special Theory of Relativity"
User Kayvan Karim
6.8k points
5 votes

Answer: In the last hundred years, modern science has dramatically altered our day-to-day lives. Communications, medicine, travel, medicine, agriculture, entertainment, and mass production were all revolutionized during the 20th century. Advances in the hard sciences, such as physics and chemistry, have also helped us to better understand our world.

The major innovations and discoveries of 20th century science:

1900—Interpretation of Dreams: Sigmund Freud publishes Interpretation of Dreams abroad. This work became a foundational text in the popularization of psychoanalysis.

1901—Radio: The first radio transmission is successfully received.

1903—Flight: The Wright brothers’ experimental aircraft takes its first successful, manned flight.

1908—Model T: The first Model T automobile is sold. The Model T is considered the first affordable automobile. Costs were lowered through Henry Ford’s use of an assembly line production process, rather than individual craftsmanship.

1910—Sound film: Thomas Edison gives a demonstration of a motion picture with recorded sound.

1927—Television: Philo T. Farnsworth invents the elements necessary for the creation of television.

1928—Penicillin: Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin. Medicines made from penicillin were the first treatment for many serious infections.

1937—Jets: The first jet engine is built.

1944—Atomic bomb: The scientists of the Manhattan Project conduct the Trinity test, the first successful explosion of a nuclear weapon.

1953—DNA structure: Watson and Crick publish a paper describing the double helix structure of DNA.

1954—The birth control pill: Invention of oral contraceptives, or birth control taken by a woman as a pill. The popularization of the pill gave women much more control over when they became pregnant, and contributed to the women’s liberation movement.

1955—Polio vaccine: Jonas Salk announces the discovery of a polio vaccine.

1969—Moon landing: The first manned spacecraft lands on the Moon.

1972—Pong: The release of Pong, the first video game.

1979—Cell phones: The technology for cell phones is invented, although it is many years before they enter popular use.

1981—PCs: The first IBM personal computer is released.

1985—Windows: Microsoft released the Windows operating system.

1988—Animal cloning technology begins development.

1994—AIDS treatment: The first drugs are developed that successfully treat AIDS.

1995—DVDs: Invention of DVDs.

User James Austin
6.9k points