Hi! Unfortunately, your question is incomplete, that is why I can't give you a precise answer. You didn't mention the name of the book you are talking about, neither yo said where to find it. Anyways, I'll try to guide you in order to help you find the right answer yourself.
Step-by-step explanation:
According to what is expressed in the task, there are two characters in the text you are referring to that are husband and wife. Those two characters, Goodman and Faith, are quite different and have opposite opinions about a certain topic. What you are asked to do here is to address those differences and to explain them in a text of your own. Answer these questions: How do they differ? What does Goodman think? What does Faith think? Why do they think like that? Do they have reasonable information? How does the author show us that they differ? How do we know they think different things?
By answering these questions, you will be able to answer the task correctly. First, think about it in your head, and then write the whole thing down. There you will have your answer.
Trust yourself, you'll do good!