C. Bacteria and Archaea
Step-by-step explanation:
Both are part of what was formerly known as Monera Kingdom.
The differences between the Archea and Bacteria kingdoms lie in the fact that the former have no peptide glycans in the cell wall, can produce methane as a residue of metabolism, and can survive in extreme living environments such as volcanic craters and extremely saline regions.
Bacteria are represented by bacteria, cyanobacteria, rickettsiae (tiny intracellular parasites!) And mycoplasmas (the smallest self-replicating organisms). As for bacteria, the plasma membrane is covered by the cell wall and, in some species, there is the presence of a capsule. It is the cell wall that helps in the classification of bacteria, since they are responsible for disease susceptibility and staining by the Gram method. Gram-positive are sulfa-sensitive and have a basically single-layer wall, staining violet in Gram Stain; Gram-negatives are penicillin-sensitive, have a two-layer wall, and turn pink when stained. The latter are considered more dangerous since their walls are less permeable to antibiotics.