50 The emissivity of galvanized steel sheet, a common roofing material, is s = 0.13 at temperatures around 300 K, while its absorptivity for solar irradiation is aS = 0.65. Would the neighborhood cat be comfortable walking on a roof constructed of the material on a
a. If a dryer is designed to operate with an electric power consumption of Pelec = 500 W and to heat air from an ambient temperature of Ti = 20°C to a discharge temperature of To = 45°C, at what volu- metric flow rate 'e should the fan operate? Heat loss from the casing to the ambient air and the surround- ings may be neglected. If the duct has a diameter of D = 70 mm, what is the discharge velocity Vo of the air? The density and specific heat of the air may
day when GS = 750 W/m2, T00 = 16°C, and h = 7
W/m2 · K? Assume the bottom surface of the steel is
be approximated as p = 1.10 kg/m3 and cp
J/kg · K, respectively.