Fitness Assessment Results Document
Copy and paste this chart and the reflection questions onto a new document that you can type your answers on to. Enter your scores for the seven fitness tests into the chart and then answer the two reflection questions. The reflection responses should be written in paragraph form with a minimum of 3–5 complete sentences.
Fitness Activity
Lesson 01.03 Baseline Results
Mile Run/Walk
I did my mile in 7 minutes and 46 seconds with no walking.
Body Composition/BMI
I used the calculator and my BMI was 18.89.
Aerobic Capacity When I put my times in the calculator, my aerobic capacity was 48.25.
Sit and Reach
On my left I got 13 and on my right I got 11.5.
I completed 36 curl-Ups in 60 seconds/1 minute.
Trunk Lift
My first try I got 13 , but I did it again and I got a score of 16 inches.
I did 39 modified push-ups in 1 minute, but 24 normal push-ups in 1 minute.
Reflection Questions:
How do you feel about your fitness assessment results? Did any areas surprise you? Explain your answers.
I feel a lot better than I thought it would be like. I have recently just started to get into the workout scene and I’m glad that I have lots of room for improvement. I was mostly shocked about the sit and reach because I thought my right would be higher than my left, but really my left was higher.
2. This course will give you the opportunity to plan fitness routines and participate in regular physical activity. You will complete these same fitness assessments at the end of each module to help measure your progress in each fitness area. Describe the accomplishments you expect to see in your fitness assessment results as you move through this course and its related activities.
I plan to start this exercise routine three times a week so I can build up my strength and endurance. I would like to be able to run a mile in five minutes. As I keep working on the strengthening exercises, I will get stronger and be able to increase my numbers. I want to get many more push-ups and 60 curl-ups in 60 seconds. I hope that I’ll be able to do everything listed without the struggles I face today. I hope to actually feel and see the results I’ll be getting throughout the course. But my biggest goal in being able to do more curl-ups and run a mile a lot faster.
This was my answer from HOPE. Hope this helps <3