Part 1:
The "two groups of planets" based on the composition are 'Terrestrial Planets' and 'Jovian Planets'.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The 8 planets in the solar system are classified into two distinct groups based on their composition.
- The "first four planets" closest to the Sun are called 'Terrestrial Planets' and the "next four planets" comparatively farther away from the Sun are called 'Jovian Planets'.
- The group of terrestrial planets gets its name from the surface characteristic of the planets, i.e. because the surface of these planets is hard and rocky.
- The other group gets its name 'Jovian' from the name of the first planet in this group, i.e. Jupiter.
Part 2:
The terrestrial planets, viz. Mercury, Earth, Venus, and Mars are majorly composed of solids and have a solid surface, whereas, the Jovian planets, viz. Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune are composed of "gases" and do not have a solid surface.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Depending on the states of matter that the planets are composed of, the planets are divided into two groups.
- The groups of planets that are formed on the basis of the composition of these planets help to divide the planets into the categories of 'solid planets' and 'gaseous planets'.