1. party formed to fight the Democratic party and Andrew Jackson, formed in the 1830's --- Whig Party
The Whig Party was a political party that existed during the 19th century in the United States. It was created in 1833 to serve as an opposition to Andrew Jackson's policy.
2. in a national election, a candidate won the vote in a particular state --- Carried
3. a public shame or disgrace brought about by illegal or unethical actions --- Scandal
A political scandal is a situation in which a politician or group of politicians are accused of carrying out illegal, unethical or corrupt practices. Normally, such practices take place originally in secret, and become political scandals when receiving unexpected media attention.
4. an uneasiness due to the lack of stability in the financial market --- Economic Unrest
An economic unrest is a situation of difficulty generated by financial problems in a given country.
5. financial panic which saw the market lose so much power that many lost their fortunes in days --- Stock Market Crash of 1929
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was the most devastating fall of the market of values in the history of the Stock Market in the United States, taking into account the global reach and the long duration of its sequels that gave rise to the Great Depression.
6. having the larger number in a house of Congress, assuring strong voting power in legislation --- Majority
The majority in the Congress gives the possibility to the political party that owns it to sanction laws with greater ease.
7. losing by a sizable margin in an election --- Landslide Defeat
A landslide defeat denotes an overwhelming loss in a democratic election.
8. a person who currently holds an office --- Incumbent
The incumbent is the present holder of a public office.
9. left-wing protest party that was formed in 1919 --- American Communist Party
The Communist Party of the United States of America is a political party of the United States founded on 1919.