Okay i will do the cell phone.
You just had to look at me and now look where you are. If we look back to where we were just 90 minutes ago before we left the house together. Your mom told you not to use me and drive. But you did not listen and now look at where we are. We are at the bottom of this ditch because you just had to look at me and see what your friends were talking about. The world does not revolve around me so i don't know why i always have to be with you. And another thing that isn't good is that on top of being with me you had alcohol as well. It doesn't make sense that being with me did this to you but also having alcohol it was a recipe for disaster. I hope you have learned your lesson and will never do any of this again. Sorry i got to go your parents aren't let us see each other for a long time.
I hope this helps!!!!!!