1. La jirafa es más alta que la gallina.
2. La cebra es tan alta como el caballo.
3. Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es menor que Alejandro.
4. Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es mayor que Sofia.
5. La leche es mejor que la soda para la salud(health).
6. La comida frita es peor que la asada(roasted) para la salud(health).
7. El pescado es tan saludabe como el pollo para la salud.
8. La serpiente es más larga que el pollito.
Step-by-step explanation:
All the sentences are comparisons between two things. In Spanish comparisons always need the auxiliar (more / less) next to the adjective, followed by "que".
Something is more/less + adjective + que something.
When the comparison is an equivalent it's formed by:
tan + adjective + como (in English as + adjective + as)
This is the translation to English:
1. The giraffe is taller than the hen.
2. The zebra is as tall as the horse.
3. Carlos is younger than Alejandro.
4. Marisol is older than Sofía.
5. Milk is better than soda for the health.
6. Fried food is worse than roasted food.
7. Fish is as healthy as the chicken.
8. The snake is longer than the chick.