I will give you a general explanation to locate a point in a graph and to determine the quadrant in which it is.
Any point is associated with an ordered pair. In general form it will be point A = (x,y).
That ordered pair is located is a cartesian coordinate plane: a drawing with two perpendicular lines, one veritcal and one horizontal, named axis.
The y-axis is vertical. The x-axis is horizontal.
The first value of the ordered pair tell the x-coordinate, and the second value of the ordered pair tells the y-coordinate.
For example: the ordered pair (3,5) has x-coordinate 3 and y-coordinate 5.
The location of the point (3,5) in the plane is in the intersection of the line that goes parallel to the y-axis and passes through the mark 3 on the x-axis, and the line parallel to the x-axis and passes through the mark 4 on the y-axis.
To tell the quadrant you can use this table:
Quandrat x-coordinate y-coordinate example
First positive positive (3,5)
Second negative positive (-3,5)
Third negative negative (-3,-5)
Fourth positive negative (-3,5)
A point that is in an axis does not belong to any quadrant. That is (x,0) or (0,y) are points on the axis and do not belong to any quadrant. For example, (3,0) is on the x-axis and not any quadrant. (0,5) is on the y-axis.