4 votes
Can someone please help me and check over my answers (S/A stands for student answers)

1.In which of the following is the word agreeable divided correctly into syllables?

A. A·gr·ee·ab·l·e

B. A·gree·a·ble

C. Ag·re·e·ab·le

D. Agre·eable

S/A: B

2. Three of the following words are synonyms. One word doesn't belong with the other three. Which word

doesn't belong?

A. Promise

B. Vow

C. Pledge

D. Create

student Answer:D

3. Each of the following words has the suffix -ed. Which word is spelled correctly?

A. Duckked

B. Preenned

C. Plotted

D. Cleanned


4. Each of the following words has a root ending in y. To each, the suffix -ed has been added. Which word

is spelled correctly?

A. Conveyed

B. Defyed

C. Ferryed

D. Spyed


5. Read each of the following words aloud. Which has a silent consonant?

A. Plane

B. Crest

C. Knee

D. Cringe

S/A: C

6. When reading a newspaper, you come across the word subterranean. You guess the meaning of the

word by breaking it into its parts. You know that sub- is a prefix meaning "under," and the word terra

often refers to "earth" or "ground." The suffix -an means "relating to." You guess that subterranean means

"underground." The process you've just used is called

A. structural analysis.

B. phonetic analysis.

C. context clues.

D. dictionary skill.

S/A: A

7. The words who's and whose are

A. homonyms.

B. antonyms.

C. context clues.

D. synonyms.

S/A: A

8. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

A. Believible

B. Unpredictible

C. Perfectible

D. Incomparible

S/A: C

9. The words disclosure and concealment are

A. antonyms.

B. homonyms.

C. equivalents.

D. synonyms.


10. Which of these words is spelled incorrectly because it violates the rules for ie versus ei words or

exceptions to those rules?

A. Surfeit

B. Siege

C. Slieght

D. Sovereign


11. Which one of the following sentences contains a synonym for distortion?

A. His misrepresentation of the facts was caught by the lawyer.

B. The distraction caused a minor accident in the parking lot.

C. Her truthfulness paid off in the end.

D. The two parts of the sphere created a symmetrical whole.

S/A: B

12. While reading a magazine, you ask a friend the meaning of the word suffragette. Although she says that

she's never used this word in speaking or writing, she knows what it means if it's part of her _______


A. written

B. oral

C. recognition

D. underscored


13. While reading a story, you come across the following sentence:

Although Mary was often unfriendly, she established rapport quickly with Jane.

By contrasting the word rapport with the word unfriendly, you realize that rapport means "friendly

relations." The skill you've just used is called

A. context clues.

B. phonetic analysis.

C. structural analysis.

D. dictionary skill.


14. You're using a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words. Which of these words is least likely to be an

entry word?

A. Streamer

B. Frigate

C. Expedite

D. Soberly


15. To figure out how to correctly speak the word onomatopoeia, you look up the word in your dictionary.

You then refer to a chart that explains the dictionary's symbols for how to say the word. This chart is

called the dictionary's

A. vocabulary.

B. pronunciation key.

C. table of contents.

D. entry word.


16. Which one of the following words is spelled correctly?

A. Relayed

B. Justifyed

C. Applyed

D. Worryed


17. A synonym for preparedness is

A. readiness.

B. punctuality.

C. procrastination.

End of exam

D. cooperation.


18. Speak aloud each of the following words. Which word has stress on its first syllable?

A. De·test

B. Ob·tain

C. Re·new

D. Fol·low


19. All of the following words are misspelled. Which one of them is misspelled due to the dropping of a

silent e?

A. Mangment

B. Masaging

C. Maneuvor

D. Messyness


20. The following words each contain the letters c, i, and e. Which word is spelled correctly?

A. Concieve

B. Recieve

C. Decieve

D. Science

S/A: D

User Trotta
6.6k points

1 Answer

1 vote

-Question 1 is B, Correct.

-Question 2 is D, Correct.

-Question 3 is C, Correct.

-Question 4 is A, Correct.

-Question 5 is C, Correct.

-Question 6 is A, Correct.

-Question 7 is A, Correct.

-Question 8 is C, Correct.

-Question 9 is A, D was incorrect.

-Question 10 is C, it is incorrectly spelled because it is spelled sleight.

- Question 11 is A, B was incorrect.

-Question 12 is C, Correct.

-Question 13 is A, Correct.

-Question 14 is A, Correct.

-Question 15 is B, Correct.

-Question 16 is A, Correct.

-Question 17 is A, Correct.

-Question 18 is D, Correct.

-Question 19 is B, Correct.

-Question 20 is D, Correct.

User Weholt
6.7k points