In the beginning of a frog's life cycle, females lay many eggs. This increases an individual's chances of survival, since there are many predators that feed on the eggs. After around six to 21 days, the eggs hatch, taking the creature into the tadpole stage. At this point, the frog is little more than underdeveloped gills, a mouth and tail. In the early stages, it still feeds on its yolk sac, which is inside its stomach, but after around seven to 10 days, it begins to move around and feed on algae. Next, the tadpole begins to develop legs after about six to nine weeks in the tadpole stage. The head becomes more defined, and later on, arms begin to sprout, elbows first. Towards the end of this stage, the frog appears to look more like what people consider a frog to look like but with a longer tail. This leads into the froglet stage, during which the creature continues to develop and eventually leaves the water as a full-grown adult.