Three essential qualities required for any relations are:Respect: For any individual to build any form of relationship to next individual, there should be a level of respect. Acknowledgement of his/her importance and presence in that relationship should always be considered with high regards. Respect is the basis of treating one another with dignity and value, so when there is respect such relationship will last longer.Trust: There must of trust between people if they are in relationship. No matter what kind of relationship it is, there should be mutual trust. When there is trust, then people can be honest with each other, show their weakness or strength and build basis of long lasting relationship.Commitment: Committing to person is one thing, but there should also be strong commitment to the relationship that is built between the people who are in that relationship. There must be willingness to carry on even when things are not in favor. One needs to understand that no relationship will grow in itself. As we nurture plants from its seedling stage, to grow into a full tree, relationship also needs such commitment with patience, empathy and acceptance.