"Ordinary citizens" could apply to a wide array of people in pre-Revolution France. The 3rd Estate was the bulk of the people (98% of the population), all considered "commoners." (The clergy and nobility were the 1st and 2nd Estates.) So, an "ordinary citizen" could have been a wealthy, bourgeois wine merchant ... or a day laborer in the city ... or a peasant farmer. Let's pick just the peasant farmer for an example for your question. Socially, the peasants were on the bottom rung of society. The country depended on agriculture to survive, yet the producers (the peasant farmers) got no real respect. Economically they could barely scrape out a living, and heavy taxes and fees ate into any profit they might have made. Politically, well, they pretty much just had the right to pay taxes and do the bidding of the nobility and monarchy. They could be called out to build a road if the king said so. The lands they farmed could be trampled by a noble's hunting party if the noble in that region wanted to go hunting.
The political, economic and social situations of city workers were similar to that of peasants. Bourgeois merchant-class folks had much more economic advantage, but also were taxed heavily and slighted on political rights. So a revolution was brewing.