The "powder keg of Europe" refers to the conditions present in Europe prior to World War I. This analogy likens the conditions of Europe to a barrel of gun powder. Harmless if left only, incredibly dangerous if lit. The "keg" consisted of "isms" to include nationalism, industrialism, imperialism, militarism, and odd ball, the alliance system. The Scientific Revolution sparked industrial innovation creating a need for new materials and markets which lead to Europe's "scramble" for territory throughout Africa and Asia. Colonies needed to be protected thus an increase in military spending and armaments. Success in these endeavors lead to a competition spirit in European countries creating nationalism as they grew. Lastly, alliances were needed to protect new colonies and from rising militaristic threats. This "keg" only needed a spark which came with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian nationalist. This spark lit a fuse which is commonly considered the "blank check" issued by Germany to help Austria in any way they needed. This fuse then set off the conditions of the "keg".