HIPAA outlines standards for the use of electronic signatures. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) was an act that passed in Congress in 1996. The aim of the act was various, as it contributes to reducing health care fraud and abuse, for example. Another objective of the act is to address confidential information and how they should be handled.
In order to assess the ergonomic safety of workstation to make sure that they are ergonomically correct it is necessary to ask them to push their hips back as far as they can go in their chair, as this is the consideration necessary to ensure the ergonomic safety.
An important safety measure that avoids loss of computer data is regular file back-up procedure. This procedure, which consists in making a copy of every file present on the computer, is necessary in order to be sure that data will be not lost anytime for various reasons, such as electrical malfunctions or accidental erasures.
A method I would use in the medical office to ensure that personal patient information stored on office computers is protected from unauthorized access is to create a secure password for the computer system. A secure password should contain a mix of letters, numbers, symbols and should not be something that it is easily possible to connect with the medical officers, like a name or a significant date.
There are several tools that should be used in order to protect computers in a medical office, such as firewall software, encryption software and a virus protection spyware detection. All these tools are needed as a way to ensure that medical data do not get out the medical computer, to ensure the collective privacy of the data.
The widespread use of email has made the internet invaluable for communication. Now, it is possible to exchange communication via mail in almost real time, with a quicker time response, history track and also evidence of what it is been said.
Patient information stored on computers is covered under the same regulation as written medical record, as they are both sensitive data where the privacy should be at maximum level. In this case, it does not matter how the information is stored but simply that the information is sensible and should be protected in the appropriate way.
An ergonomics consideration for my keyboard could be to make sure that the keyboard height is enough so that my shoulders are relaxed. My elbows should be in a slightly open position, and my wrists and hands should be straight.
The best statement related to the use of computer while at work is that the use of e-mails can assist with communication with other providers. The use of email could improve the communication and also gave answers more quickly. E-mails also can constitute a written proof of your work.
When I worked for long periods in front of a monitor or computer screen it is necessary to take a break every 30-60 minutes, and during this break, it is advisable to get up and get the legs and the rest of the body to move. I should also rest my eyes by covering them for 10-15 seconds.