Hey. Let me help you on this one.
In order for us to solve this problem, we will need to think of a sea level as a zero on a number line. Anything below zero will be considered as under the sea level, and anything above is above sea level.
I will be attaching an image showing you how this problem is worked out in case you have any questions, or you don't quite get it. It should help you with your studies as well.
Alright, so our starting point, or where Colleen is initially at is 500 feet above sea level. If Colleen went up 100 feet above, we will be needing to go 100 feet up. We can represent it as addition,

So, if we are to add one hundred feet on top of five-hundred, we will get six-hundred. Considering the fact that Colleen went up 100 feet above, this answer is correct.
The question also asks us to put the answer into the integer form; however, it already is. An integer is a real number which doesn't have any fractions.
Answer: Colleen is 600 feet above the sea level.