The Red Scare caused an anti communistic hysteria
Step-by-step explanation:
In post World War II Communism was a threat to dominate the entire world. Communist revolts and takeovers were happening all over the world. All of Eastern Europe had fallen to Communism. China had been taken over by the communists despite American support for the previous democratic government of China. In North Korea a communist government had been imposed by Russia.
Attempted Communist take overs in Greece and France were narrowly prevented. The communist and socialist parties in England, and the US were trying to gain political control. The America public became fearful that the communists were going to take over not only the rest of the world but the United States.
This created a witch hunt for communists in the United States. Communists spies had given the Soviet Union the secrets for atomic weapons threatening the United States militarily. The public demanded that anyone associated with Russia be arrested. A blacklist was established in the entertainment industry was established preventing those with socialist ties from working.