1. Species refers to the biological term that signifies the smallest unit or the basic unit of classification. Thus, 1 can be correctly matched with species.
2. The Arthropods refers to the species that exhibits an exoskeleton, paired jointed legs and segmented body. Thus, 2 can be correctly matched with Arthropods and animal characteristics.
3. The largest phylum of animals is Arthropods. Thus, 3 can also be correctly matched with Arthropod.
4. The Tracheophyta signifies towards the green plants that exhibit conductive tissues for mediating nutrients and water through them. Thus, 4 can be correctly matched with Tracheophyta.
5. Taxonomy refers to the branch of science that deals with the classification of species. Thus, 5 can be correctly matched with taxonomy.
6. The order is considered as a group of families. Thus, 6 can be correctly matched with order.
7. Tracheophyta is considered as the largest division of plants. Thus, 7 can be correctly matched with Tracheophyta.