It is a type of disorder which occurs inside the red blood cells or RBC's of the blood medium. And is mainly caused by the deficiency in the oxygen molecules inside the blood medium leading the nerves and the cells to have lack of oxygen.
As, the target cells become more sickle in shape and they are unable to carry on the transportation of the oxygen,O₂ molecules through the given path way or arteries inside the circulatory system present in the body.
- Target Cells in the Body and Cause:
It is mainly caused by the deficiency in the level of oxygen,O₂ molecules inside the blood medium, as its not because of the lack of oxygen present in the air but due to receiving an abnormal gene by the person leads to abnormality in the structure or shape of the hemoglobin over all. Making the RBC's unable to carry enough oxygen to all the cells.
- Diseases or disorders caused by the sickle anemia:
- Due, to lack of oxygen in the blood medium causes the cells to die and remain under nourished.
- Damage to the nerves and the arteries is caused leading to some of the heart diseases and the liver disorders.
- Some body parts may stop working due to less supply of oxygen to them.
- Most of the patient's body become pale and less developed both physically and mentally.