Second florist makes bouquets at a faster rate.
To compare both find the similar ratio or bouquets in one hour.
Similar ratio:
One florist:
16 bouquets in 5 hours is same as
192 bouquets in 60 hours (Just multiplied by 12)
Second florist:
40 bouquets in 12 hours is same as
200 bouquets in 60 hours (multiplied by 5)
Now both have similar hours to compare and look like second florist can make more bouquets than one florist.
Work done in one hour:
One florist:
16 bouquets in 5 hours meaning 3.2 bouquets in 1 hour (divide by 5)
Second florist:
40 bouquets in 12 hours meaning 3.33 bouquets in 1 hour (divided by 12)
Again second florist have higher rate.