The answer:
-Hey Naomi!
-Hi Matt, how are you doing?
-I'm doing okay, I'm reading the company's manual.
-Oh yeah, I know! My manager of the area asked me to do the same too, I guess they´re trying to re-update the personnel on the company's principles, did you hear that John was stealing a lot of material?
-Yes, I did indeed! Quite sad news, he got fired! But I guess that was the best, I mean, two of this company's principles are honesty and integrity. They couldn't let this issue go just so easy, or what do you think?
-You know Matt, I agree with you, I've been working here for three years now and this had never happened before in the company, so I am in agreement that they had to fire him and well, train us again on the principles.
-Yeah Naomi, well, let's keep on working!
-See you, Matt!
Step-by-step explanation:
Ethics in business means the principles a company has, for instance, in the dialogue provided you can see: honesty and integrity... and both employees agreeing on the fact that someone had been fired for not following one of them. There are more principles that a company can follow, for instance: loyalty, respect, fairness, sustainability, among others.