Please proofread and correct my Spanish assignment. Thank you!
¡Hola a todos!
No he tenido mucho contacto con la cultura española, por eso yo he visto₁ una película de España, llamada₂ ‘7 años’. Los₃ actores son Juana Acosta, Paco León, Juan Pablo Raba, Àlex Brendemühl y Manuel Morón. La película es sobre cuatro socios, quienes₄ cometieron₅ un₆ fraude. Para salvar su empresa, uno de los₇ socios debe ir a la cárcel. Piden ayuda de un₈ mediador para₉ decidir₁₀ quien. Creo que es una película muy₁₁ interesante porque hay solo cinco personajes y un espacio durante₁₂ toda la película. Creo que es impresionante que haga la película más divertida y no aburrida. Me gusta la tensión y los₁₃ diálogos bien calculados. Si te gustan los dramas, definitivamente te recomendaría esta película.
¡₁₄Gracias por₁₅ leer mi blog!
1 vista => visto => perfect preterite, first singular person, (yo he visto).
2 llamado => llamada => feminine adjective, matches "película" movie.
3 El => Los => plural masculine definite article, agrees with "actores" actors.
4 quien => quienes => plural pronoun, matches "socios" partners.
5 cometió => cometieron => preterite third plural person, agrees with "socios" partners.
6 un => singular masculine indefinite article, agrees with "fraude" fraud.
7 los => plural masculine definite article, agrees with "socios" partners.
8 uno => un => singular masculine indefinite article, agrees with "mediador" mediator.
9 porque => para => preposition, that indicates purpose of, "ayuda" help.
10 deciden => decidir => this verb means to make decision.
11 mucho => muy => adverb, that increases the adjective "interesante" interesting
12 pasando => durante => preposition, that indicates a period of time, refers to the duration of the "película" movie.
13 el => los => plural masculine definite article, agrees with "diálogos" dialogues.
14 ¡ => it begins exclamation.
15 para => por => preposition, that indicates reason, refers to "gracias" thanks.
Translation : Hi all!,
I have not had much contact with Spanish culture, that's why I've seen a film from Spain, called '7 years'. The actors are Juana Acosta, Paco León, Juan Pablo Raba, Àlex Brendemühl and Manuel Morón. The film is about four partners who committed a fraud. To save their business, one of the partners have to go to jail. They ask for help from a mediator to decide who. I think it's a very interesting movie because there are only five characters and a room during the whole movie. I think it's awesome that it makes the movie more fun and not boring. I like the tension and the well-calculated dialogues. If you like dramas, I would definitely recommend this movie.
Thanks for reading my blog!