Hello there! :)
Wow, I love poems! I'd be more than happy to help! How long should the poem be exactly? Gymnastics is a great topic, it's such an amazing sport! Here's a bit of a rough draft for you, tell me what else you think it might need.
Sit back and relax, here's a story not so laid back,
for you see, I'm a gymnast and this isn't some gimmick,
listen to me ryme and sublime, almost so good it's like a crime.
I jump off beams, and even if I don't land you know I'm going to stand.
I'll take that bow and smile to myself as my couches go 'wow'.
Because I've always known that if I never took the leap, I'd never sweep
against the stars and that's what it takes to be one of ours.
I'm a gymnast, I work hard for what I want and I don't need anybody's forgiveness.
Working so hard, it's become like a sickness and even when things get to
be the grimmest, I know my reward is going to be the richest.
Hope this helps! :))