1) Alpha decay
Alpha decay is the loss of a helium nucleus, which consists of two protons and two neutrons (mass number 4).
The radioactive atom will lose four nucleons, so the daughter atom will have a mass number A = 142 - 4 = 138.
2) Nuclear fusion
- B. Occurs naturally in the Sun
- C. Releases a large amount of energy
- E. Involves the joining of two nuclei.
A. It involves the joining of two small nuclei into a bigger one
D. It does NOT bond atoms together to make molecules . Electrons do that.
3) Nuclear reactors
B. Correct. In a nuclear reactor, the heat from the reaction turns water to steam, which runs a generator.
A. Wrong. High-energy gamma rays are like X-rays. I don’t think we have the technology to do this yet on a large scale.
C. Wrong. It is not the nuclear reaction but the generators that produce the electrons that flow through wires.
D. Wrong. The nuclear power plants are designed to replace coal- and gas-burning plants.
E. Wrong. Control rods absorb the neutrons emitted and prevent the nuclear reaction from running away uncontrollably.
4) Applications of fission reactions
Fission reactions
- B. Generate large amounts of heat
- E. Are the energy source in nuclear weapons
A. Wrong. Fission reactions generate high-level radioactive waste.
C. Wrong. Fission products are more stable than the parent nuclei, but they are stil radioactive (unstable).
D. Wrong. Fission does not create heavier elements. Instead, it splits heavy nuclei into lighter elements.
5) Enzymes
D. Correct. Enzymes reduce the activation energies of biological reactions.
A. Wrong. Enzymes do NOT provide more reactants ….
B. Wrong. …nor do they remove products quickly
C. Wrong. Enzymes do not raise the temperature of a cell …
E. Wrong. … nor do they change the energy of the products.
Their only function is to act as biological catalysts. They provide alternate pathways with lower activation energies for biological molecules to react.