On April 4, 1968, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy spoke to an audience that had gathered as part of a political event. However, earlier that day, Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. Kennedy then made a speech addressing the tragic news.
- The central idea of this speech is that of unity among the people of the nation. Kennedy argues that, as Martin Luther King was most likely killed by a white person, black people might be inclined to feel angry and betrayed, and to hate whites. He asks them not to feel that way, as the best path to follow from now on is that of unity.
- I think it is an effective eulogy because it addresses the main concerns that were going to arise after the assassination, such as the future of the civil rights movements and the people's reactions to the news. It does not spend much time on King's personal life, but celebrates his public actions.
- It honoured Dr. King because it highlighted the main objectives of King's campaigns. Kennedy reminded attendants that the fight for civil rights was not one of hate, but of equality, peace and collaboration. He also pointed to the extreme sadness and despair that the country was feeling, but gave them a way forward.