The actions that can be performed outdoors and in good weather are:
- Tener un picnic.
- Saltar cuerda en la acera.
- Andar en bicicleta.
- Hacer una excursión en bote.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the sentences selected is:
- Have a picnic.
- Jump rope on the sidewalk.
- Riding a bicycle.
- Take a boat trip.
It should be borne in mind that the activities requested within the question must be carried out outdoors, so options such as fixing the room, watching a movie, drawing portraits at home, writing a letter to a friend or exercising within a gym does not apply for this, on the other hand, there are other activities such as cycling among other selected ones that necessarily require that they are done outdoors and that the weather is good, since otherwise, although they could be done, they would not be as pleasant.