The mode of staff wages is:
£ 180 and £ 254
The mode of a data set is a data value that exist or occur in the set most frequently (i.e. most of the times)
We are given data points as:
£254 £254 £310 £276 £116 £90 £312 £180 £180 £536 £350 £243 £221 £165 £239 £700
On arranging these data points along with their frequency we get:
Data point Frequency
£90 1
£116 1
£165 1
£180 2
£221 1
£239 1
£243 1
£254 2
£276 1
£310 1
£312 1
£350 1
£536 1
£700 1
Two data points has highest frequency
£180 and £254
( since both have frequency 2)