I think it's safe to say the rocket starts at rest; let its starting position serve as the origin. We're given the rocket's initial acceleration vector, and presumably while the engines are firing, this acceleration is constant up until burn-out, at which point the rocket will only experience a downward acceleration due to gravity.
Translating the given info and the above into vectors with components, we have for the first 12 seconds of the engines firing,

We integrate
twice to find a solution for

So at the end of the first 12 second interval, we have velocity and position vectors, respectively,

After the engine burns out, the rocket has a constant accleration vector

is the acceleration due to gravity. Using the velocity and position at the 12 second mark, we integrate this vector twice to find the velocity and position vectors for any time
after 12 seconds:

The rocket will reach the ground when

This is the total time the rocket spends in flight (taken here to mean the entire time it's in the air, not just after the engines burn out - if you want to omit the initial launch period, just subtract 12 seconds).
The rocket's horizontal displacement after this time is

Its maximum height occurs when the vertical component of the rocket's velocity vector is 0, at which point we use the equation

where in this case we're interested in times after the 12 second mark, and use the velocity/position at 12 seconds as initial conditions. With
, we would have
, so we end up with

(Note that all answers were rounded to two significant digits.)