- Limited amount of sources and more dreams to chase:
Human nature is very odd, as it is comprised of the instincts to capture and posses even those things or materials which are out of its reach. Now, what will any normal being do or react to any form of deficiency in the resources.
- There are some deficiencies or limited sources, which leads a man to live a more congested form of life, or he might be living his life from hand to mouth. As there are less resources to cover up his life requirements.
- Going to the US for Bachelor's and giving up on that dream:
As there are various things to mention here, but not going to the US just because i was unable to pay the high rates of academic fee on annual basis, and lack of scholarships for the foreign students.
Now, there are many university which offer the bachelor's degree in a number of fields but in the US the minimum range of annual fee is about 14000 and when we add up all the other things along with it. It may reach up to 25000 dollars for a university in a less developed State (w.r.t).
- Substitution or having an alternative for a requirement:
Well there are number of well reputed institution here in south Asia, so, i got in to the most amazing engineering college and now fortunately i am about to graduate with a bachelor's degree in engineering. So, the requirement was to get educated and have an engineering degree for me.
Step-by-step explanation:
Unable to an Apple Iphone worth 1000 USD:
So, now a days Apple iphones have great specification but they are unable to be purchased by the medal class folk, due to its high price. And for that reason its alternatives are android phones with great features and they come inside the low price range. So, i bought android and left iphone just because lack of my financial deficiencies.